Brian, I would encourage you to broaden your horizons and turn the rock over again. I’m not saying that there shouldn’t be a pub-sub event driven based model in the open source data platform. What I am saying is that maybe your data lands in the slowly moving dimension class and doesn’t require fast paced changes. What if a data scientist wants his own playground but doesn’t want to impact production? What if data engineers don’t have time to deal with their requests because they are dealing with many event based models that get aggregated daily? The platform should be flexible! I am not even saying airflow couldn’t replace prefect here at all. It most certainly can. This series of articles has two focuses: 1. the idea that maybe we shouldn’t be locked in to cloud vendors and that open source has come along way when it comes to how you move data. And 2. That knowledge should be open source as well. I’m not going to start a series meant for beginners at event streaming I would lose their interest faster than I could shout “queues versus stacks”. I will be talking about event based processing later. Maybe you should pick this series up then . I never said this was profound or revolutionary, what is unique is that for the first time we don’t have to be at the whim of the cloud providers anymore.